Thursday, September 27, 2012

Critique night chaos

"We must accept that this creative pulse within us is God's creative pulse itself." -Joseph Chilton Pearce

A little fine art and dance...yes, those eyes are done with pencil

:: Tonight is critique night and as I sit in the café writing this [amazingly, I am done early] people are running around putting finishing touches on installations, reprinting photos, not eating chocolate to protect their voices and practicing recently changed choreography. It’s chaos in its finest form and I love it! It’s only been a few months since I’ve been out of the JBU art world but I feel at home again, surrounded by artists…doing what makes us feel alive.
:: To us, being an artist is more than self-expression. It’s about kingdom expression. Our call is to reveal the Father’ heart through our creativity. So why wouldn’t we not only strive to be the best artists we can be but the best artists this world has ever seen? The ultimate Creator himself has given us our gifts of creativity.  We not only have artistic talent but also the beauty of the kingdom. Those are the things that can change the world. We have true power as artists. It is both a privilege and a responsibility.
:: This first critique/exhibition night kind of snuck up on all of us but we pulled it off and it can only get better from here but for now, enjoy the beauty we have created thus far. This is MOTA.

My roommate, Wendy, did this awesome installation.  She lost a lot of sleep this week.

Writers...enough said. and photographers in front of the "Inside Out Project" Eventually the entire building will be covered with portraits of people we meet.

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